Honest reliable streaming with first class support
We can Offer a good deal on Web Hosting Cpanel with these packages
  • Product 1

    Shoutcast Reseller - Starter

    • 5 Accounts
      150GB Disk Space
      Unmetered Bandwidth **
      2500 Listeners
      128KB/s Quality (max.)
      Ticket Support
      Centova Cast v3
      SHOUTcast v2 or Icecast
    Encomendar já!
  • Product 2

    Shoutcast Reseller Basic

    • 10 Accounts
      350GB Disk Space
      Unmetered Bandwidth **
      5000 Listeners
      128KB/s Quality (max.)
      Ticket Support
      Centova Cast v3
      SHOUTcast v2 or Icecast
    Encomendar já!
  • Product 3

    Shoutcast Reseller Advanced

    • 20 Accounts
      500GB Disk Space
      Unlimited Bandwidth
      6000 Listeners
      320KB/s Quality (max.)
      Ticket Support
      Centova Cast v3
      SHOUTcast v2 or Icecast
    Encomendar já!
Incluído em todos os planos
  • Unlimited Bandwidth is supplied under a Fair Use Policy whereby your radio can use as much bandwidth as required unless it affects the performance of other users on shared servers. If your radio reaches this point and is seen as a high-volume server we will contact the customer to discuss options and we will cap Listener limits to less number

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